9 January 2011

The ball goes nuts

This ball is the direct result  of a very dangerous experiment in which we mixed a young animation student with a computer, the software called Maya and the idea of animateing a living ball.

The ball goes nuts from Foehn Gallet on Vimeo.

Last year, we learned (among other things) à animate with Maya.
As some of you might know it already one of the first exercices to do to learn the basics of timing, spacing, anticipation, squash and stretch and slowin and slow out is to animate balls.
(sounds so weird in english)

the last exercice we had after we'd done the classics like perpetual bouncing ball, the boucing that finally stops and others, we had to animate a living ball.

The 12 principles of basic animation:
in animation there are 12 basics principles that if they're all well used, make really cool animations:
-Squash and stretch
-Straight ahead action/Pose to pose
-Overlapping action
-Slow in / Slow out
-Secondary action
-Solid posing
I'm not giving you a course  but there is a pretty good article about it on wikipedia.

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