12 July 2012

SFM cherry popping

Hi everyone! (It makes it look like I have so many viewers).

Maybe you know, or maybe you don't, but an awesome software was released in beta version recently.
So, For those who don't know what a beta is... Well I explained what it was in the french version of my blog because my parents read it but odds are that people reading it here will be working in animation or video games so you probably know what it is.

So Valve, (creators of Half Life and Team Fortresse 2) released the beta version of the tool they use to make their movies : Source Filmmaker.
Basicly, it's a real-time 3D studio.
You put your set, characters, cameras, lights, play your characters or animate them, add some sound and color correction and you're done.

It was the first time I'd use it so it took me a day and animations are not great (animation I did myself I mean, wich is 2 shots) but I'll get better... Obviously.

Enjoy :

And see you space cowboy...
(Tomorow, friday july, 12th will be Firefly 10th anniversary)