16 January 2011

French kiss

Hey everybody!

Here's a little job I did for the director en actress Géraldine Fréry during my second year.
This animation appears at the end of the short movie Cocculinelidae.

Making-of a kiss from Foehn Gallet on Vimeo.

For this animation, I took the 2 opposite frame on the timeline and drew an other one, just between them.

This is not a good solution for the timing but it's more simple for people who can't draw.
Then I can delete or add frames where I want them, to adjust the timing.
Still, this is pretty much efficiency killing. and it's still better to plan your animation before :D

P.S.: Gauthier's gonna kill me for the typography of the movie ^^'

Rotoscoping is an animation method. the point is to draw over a live-action movie.
in english, it seems to have a more complexe definition so here it is, on wikipedia (yes, again).

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