11 September 2012

Frog off

Here's a little something I took part in.
Once you're on board, tap "O" and you'll see a frog rigged and animated by yours trully.

Jet Lag, in a plane with Jean-Marie Dru; par TBWA365

to roughly translate, he talks about a time when his company (TBWA) tried to expand to Great Britain. But they were rejected and you could see marking's on the walls saying : "FROG OFF"
You know... Because you call us frogs... Because we're supposed to eat them... are we canibals to you?
Never ate any by the way.

See you Crazy Frogs...

4 September 2012


Just a new demo reel, waiting for some shot I made to come out in october :

Foehn Reel 2012 v2 from Foehn Gallet on Vimeo.

I reajusted a few on my SFM animations from when I released it first and... That's it.

See you... Guys.