28 May 2012

Cocky Sniper

A while ago now, I rigged the face of the Team Fortress 2's sniper with the blendshapes from the game to use it on maya.
So here's my first animation with it... Him... Whatever.
When I watch it, I either like it or find it weird... it's your's to tell me I guess.

A Cocky Sniper from Foehn Gallet on Vimeo.

Now, instead of telling myself I could do better, I'll do better ^^

See you space cowboy...

23 May 2012

Bragging Scout

Hello There!

Here are 4 seconds of animation I did for a job application :

Stop Bragging from Foehn Gallet on Vimeo.

The small drawings on the top left are my thumbnails. It helps planning your animation before you start.
I didn't have a facial rig so I did without it. it's not what they where asking for anyway.

with this said...

P.S.: I discovered Firefly. It's 10 years old but still awesome.It's been canceled to but "there's no place I can be, since I found Serenity".