12 December 2010


Hi everyone.
I'm back for a magnificent second post...
Well, ok, it's not that magnificent. but it's my blog, so it has to be cool at least.

anyway I'm sorry to tell you that what I'm preparing for this blog will take me a little more time than what I had this week so here's a short movie I made with 4 other people on Flash during my first year in my school.

it was a contest on "Canal J" (a french Channel. I don't know if you have too) wich we didn't win.
we had a month to make a short that shouldn't exceed a minute.
There. It's quick, ununderstandable and it's named Mariage Lunatique or Lunatic Wedding (their's a joke because Moon in french is said lune).

I made made the smoke and wine animation, the cake explosion and I was the inbetween artist for the characters.
OH! and I made the rotation cycle of  the rings.

if you want to take a look, you can see there are the links to my "co-buds" blogs (except for kevin 'cause I can't find it).

see ya space cowboy.

For those who don't know:
What's an inbetween artist?
When you watch a movie in a cinema, there are 24 images (frames) per second (24 fps).
on TV in Europe it's 25 fps and on TV in th USA it's 30 fps.
a key-animator will draw the key frames of the animation,the most importante so we can understand the movement and give it a timing.
the inbetween artist comes just behind him to draw the remaining frames so the animation will be 24, 25 or 30 fps and be fluid.

8 December 2010


Here it is, tadoulidedoula, Idontknowwhattosay.
That's funny how uneasy it is to retain your fingers from hitting space bar beetween words.

OK, seriously.
Who am I? Where am I? What is Happening?
My name is Fœhn but that's all over the blog so you should know that by now.
I'm a student in CG animation and I'm making my student movie in a school called George Mélies (awesome right ^^).
I working with 4 other young men almost as handsome and smart as me, all a bit mental (but that's a requirement in the job) and it's gonna be HUGE.

For now, we don't have a title for the movie but we are almost finished with the pre-production so I'll probably be drowning you in a sea of stuff about it all along the year.
and as soon as I have the adresses of my buds blogs, I forward it to you guys.

about what I'm gonna be showing here ... we'll see next week. Have a movie to make.

errr... I'm also french so don't be to hard on my english but don't hesitate to correct me.
Oh! while I'm here.
here a drawing I almost put on top of this blog... I'm glad I changed my mind.

ciao. have fun, here or anywhere.